Hardware Outputs for the SCS Controller

These Hardware Set Up parameters define how the peripheral refrigeration system components are connected to the SCS Controller for output control.


Compressor Port Configuration

Selects the Compressor connection port:

  • C. = Not Connected
  • R = 3A Relay o/p
  • C = 8A Relay o/p
Digital display Increments & units Parameter range Default
CPC  Port ID R, C, or NC  C

Compressor State

Selects the Relay state when the Compressor is on. This function is only used when an External Relay is fitted to the Compressor.

  • 0 = Normally open (Relay contact open when Compressor is off). Default.
  • 1 = Normally closed (Relay contact closed when Compressor is off).
Digital display Increments & units Parameter range Default
CPS Integers 0 to 1 0

Evaporator Fan

Evaporator Fan Port Configuration

Selects the Evaporator Fan connection port

  • C. = Not Connected
  • S1 = 0.4/0.6A Solid State Relay o/p
  • S2^ = 0.4/0.6A Solid State Relay o/p (^ Not available on SCS500 variants)
  • S1&S2^ = 0.8/1.2A Solid State Relay o/p (^ Not available on SCS500 variants)

Only supported by HW: +SCS Adv, +SCS Adv No Display

Digital display Increments & units Parameter range Default
EFC Port ID S1, S2, S1&S2, R or NC S1

Evaporator Fan Control Type

Selects whether the Evaporator Fan Port operates as an ON/OFF switch or as a variable speed fan control output.

  • on/off = Normal Switch
  • Var = Variable Speed Fan Control
Digital display Increments & units Parameter range Default
ECt  text  on/off or Var  on/off

Evaporator Fan Direction

Selects the direction of the evaporator fan rotation.

Digital display Increments & units Parameter range Default
EFd  Dir  CW or CCW  CCW

Condenser Fan

Condenser Fan Port Configuration

Selects the Condenser Fan connection port:

  • C. = Not Connected
  • S1 = 0.4/0.6A Solid State Relay o/p
  • S2^ = 0.4/0.6A Solid State Relay o/p (^ Not available on SCS500 variants)
  • S1&S2^ = 0.8/1.2A Solid State Relay o/p (^ Not available on SCS500 variants)

Only supported by HW: +SCS Adv, +SCS Adv No Display

Digital display Increments & units Parameter range Default
CdC Port ID S1, S2, or NC NC

Condenser Fan Control Type

Selects whether the Condenser Fan Port operates as an ON/OFF switch or as a variable speed fan control output.

  • 0 = Normal Switch
  • 1 = Variable Speed Fan Control 
Digital display Increments & units Parameter range Default
 CCt text  on/off or Var  on/off

Condenser Fan Direction

Selects the direction of the condenser fan rotation.  

Digital display Increments & units Parameter range Default
CFd Dir  CW or CCW  CCW


Defrost Port Configuration

Selects the Defrost Coil connection port. This function is only used with a Heated Defrost Cycle. Please also refer to ‘Defrost State’ (dFS).

  • NC = Not Connected
  • R = 3A Relay o/p
  • C = 8A Relay o/p
Digital display Increments & units Parameter range Default
dFC   Port ID R, C, or NC  NC

Defrost State

Selects the Relay state when the Defrost Cycle is off. Please also refer to ‘Defrost Port Configuration’ (dFC).

  • 0 = Normally open (Relay contact open when Defrost Cycle not running). Default.
  • 1 = Normally closed (Relay contact closed when Defrost Cycle not running).
Digital display Increments & units Parameter range Default
dFS  Integers 0 to 1 0

5V Port

5V Port Configuration

Enables the 5V output on AD4

  • 0 = output disabled
  • 1 = continuous 5V output enabled
Digital display Increments & units Parameter range Default
dCC Text NC or AD4 NC

Lighting Port Configuration

Selects the lighting connection Port. 

  • C. = Not Connected
  • R = 3A Relay o/p
  • C = 8A Relay o/p
  • S1 = 0.4/0.6A Solid State Relay o/p
  • S2^ = 0.4/0.6A Solid State Relay o/p (^ Not available on SCS500 variants)
  • LE1^ – LE3 = Switched 24V o/p (^ Not available on SCS500 variants)
  • AD5^* = Switched 24V o/p (limited by HW to min duty of 5%) (^ Not available on SCS500 variants, * FW versions 1580 onwards)

Channel A

Digital display Increments & units Parameter range Default
LCA Port ID Port ID C, R, S1-2, LE1-3, AD5 or NC R

Please also refer to Lighting State - Channel A (LEA).

Channel B

Digital display Increments & units Parameter range Default
LCb Port ID C, R, S1-2, LE1-3, AD5 or NC NC

Please also refer to Lighting State - Channel B (LEB). 

Channel C

Digital display Increments & units Parameter range Default
LCC  Port ID C, R, S1-2, LE1-3, AD5 or NC NC

Please also refer to Lighting State - Channel C (LEC).

Channel D

Digital display Increments & units Parameter range Default
LCd Port ID C, R, S1-2, LE1-3, AD5 or NC  NC

Please also refer to Lighting State - Channel D (LED).
NOTE: Only supported by HW: SCS Adv, SCS Adv No Display

Channel E

Digital display Increments & units Parameter range Default
LCE  Port ID S1, S2, R, C, or NC NC

Please also refer to Lighting State Channel E (LEE).
NOTE: Only supported by HW: SCS Adv, SCS Adv No Display. LE1 – LE3 and AD5 = Not applicable

Light State

Selects the relay state when the port is configured to a digital output and lighting is off.

  • 0 = Normally Open (Relay contact open when lights are off) (Switched 24V open when lights are off)
  • 1 = Normally Closed (Relay contact closed when lights are off) (Switched 24V closed when lights are off)

When associated lighting channel is configured to an LED channel, this parameter has no effect.

Channel A

Digital display Increments & units Parameter range Default
LEA Integers 0 to 1 0

Please also refer to the Lighting Port Configuration – Channel A (LCA). 

Channel B

Digital display Increments & units Parameter range Default
LEb Integers 0 to 1 0

Please also refer to the Lighting Port Configuration – Channel B (LCb).

Channel C

Digital display Increments & units Parameter range Default
LEC Integers 0 to 1 0

Please also refer to the Lighting Port Configuration – Channel C (LCC).

Channel D

Digital display Increments & units Parameter range Default
LEd Integers 0 to 1 0

Please also refer to the Lighting Port Configuration – Channel D (LCd).

NOTE: Only supported by HW: SCS Adv, SCS Adv No Display

Channel E

Digital display Increments & units Parameter range Default
LEE Integers 0 to 1 0

Please also refer to the Lighting Port Configuration – Channel E (LCE). 

NOTE: Only supported by HW: SCS Adv, SCS Adv No Display