Compressor parameters in the SCS Controller

The options in the SCS Controller’s Compressor Menu enable you to control and configure Compressor parameters, and related alarms, during different parts of the refrigeration cycle.

Condenser High Temperature Limit

This is the temperature that turns off the Compressor for safety and protection of the system. The Compressor will turn off once this temperature has been exceeded for longer than 10 seconds and will not turn back on until the temperature has dropped 20° C for 3 minutes.

Digital display Increments & units Range Default
Cht 1°C 60 °C to 150 °C or 
85 °C  

Minimum Compressor Off Time

This is the minimum amount of time that must elapse between when the Compressor is turned off and when the Compressor is allowed to start again. This time period allows the system pressures to equalize and helps prevent overheating.

Digital display Increments & units Range Default
Cot 10 secs 10 to 1800 secs 180 secs

Minimum Compressor Off Time when Condenser Overtemp

This is the minimum amount of time that must elapse between the time the Compressor is turned off and when the Compressor is allowed to start again after a condenser over temperature trip has occurred. This time period allows the system pressures to equalize and helps prevent overheating.

Digital display Increments & units Range Default
- 1 min 0 to 60 min 180 secs

Compressor Maximum Starts Per Hour

This is the maximum number of starts a compressor can make in one hour, before it has to wait for the hour to elapse to start again. This is to prevent overheating where there is a fault in the system. 

This protective function cannot be reset by power cycling the cabinet on and off.

Digital display Increments & units Range Default
CSh 1 count 5 to 30 or 

Refrigeration System Failure Time

This is the maximum permitted time that the Compressor can run continuously before the system is shut down and an alarm is triggered. This is forcibly set to disabled when a Freezer install type is selected.

Digital display Increments & units Range Default
rSF 1 hour 0 to 100 or disabled 48 hours