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  2. IoT hardware settings
  3. SCS Controller - General settings

Disable a cooler with Field App

This function lets any role with the correct permissions disable equipment (eg. coolers) in the field, eg when store owners are stocking unpermitted items in a cooler, or when the equipment is not located as agreed.

Disable a cooler

Once the compressor turns off, it will not turn back on, resulting in a Terminal Alarm 19.

Before starting:

  • Ask your AoFrio administrator to update your permissions in User Manager to see this function.
Step Detail
Log on to Field app and connect to the cooler you want to disable.

On the SCS info screen for the cooler you are connected to, tap DISABLE COOLER.

Disable cooler button in Field app

Tap OK to confirm that you want to disable the cooler. There is also a checkbox saying ‘Don’t show this again':

  • If you leave this field unchecked, you will see this confirmation step next time you want to disable a cooler.
  • If you check this field, you won’t see this step again.

Tap OK again to confirm.

Once the compressor turns off, it will not turn back on, resulting in a Terminal Alarm 19.  Anyone who now connects to it will see the notification “This cooler has been disabled.” and the cooler ID will also appear as disabled in the list of nearby coolers.


In Report app (from v4.20 onwards) the Audit List page can be used to see all coolers in a disabled state.

Reactivate a cooler

Before starting: Ask your AoFrio administrator to update your permissions in User Manager to see this function.

Step Detail
Log on to Field app and connect to the disabled cooler you want to reactivate.
On the SCS info screen for the cooler you are connected to, tap ENABLE COOLER.
Enable cooler button on Field app

Tap OK to confirm that you want to enable the cooler, then tap OK again.

The SCS Controller will clear the Terminal Alarm and restart the compressor to re-enable the cooler.  Anyone who now connects to it will see the cooler listed as available.


The Single Cooler page in Report app can be used to see the transition of cooler states.