These are the parameter settings in the SCS Controller that respond to the cabinet door switch, which works as a data input for the Evaporator fan, lights and alarms.
Please note: If the door switch fails, the parameters found in the 'Door menu' will not function correctly.
General door switch parameters
Door Open Evap Continuous Run Temp
This is the temperature above which the evaporator fan will remain on, when the cabinet door has been opened, even if the fan is configured to be off when the cabinet door is opened.
This helps prevent condensation build up in high humidity environments by ensuring airflow inside the cabinet.
The 'Door Open Evap Continuous Run Temp' should be greater than the Standby Set Point + Standby Differential to ensure normal fan operation.
Digital display | Increments & units | Range | Default |
FCr | 1 °C | 0 to 30 or disabled | 30 °C |
Door Open Delay
This is the time between the cabinet door opening (and staying open), and the Door Open Alarm triggering. After this time, the evaporator fan and compressor will remain OFF until either the door closes, or the system determines that the door switch has failed open (10mins).
If the door switch is considered to have failed open, the alarm will be cleared, and the door state ignored until a closed door is seen.
Digital display | Increments & units | Range | Default |
drd | 10 secs | 0 to 1800 | 180 secs |
Light State parameters when door is open
These are the illumination levels for each channel when the door is open, as a percentage of full illumination. If disabled, then light level for that channel is unaffected by opening the door.
Light levels of between 0% and 100% are only available if these channels are assigned to an LED output. If assigned to a digital output, then any level other than 0% will result in 100% light level.
Light State Door Open - Channel A
Digital display | Increments & units | Range | Default |
LdA | 1% | 0 to 1800 | 180 secs |
Light State Door Open - Channel B
Digital display | Increments & units | Range | Default |
Ldb | 1% | 0 to 100 or disabled | 100% |
Light State Door Open - Channel C
Digital display | Increments & units | Range | Default |
LdC | 1% | 0 to 100 or disabled | 100% |
Light State Door Open - Channel D*
Digital display | Increments & units | Range | Default |
Ldd | 1% | 0 to 100 or disabled | 100% |
Light State Door Open - Channel E*
Digital display | Increments & units | Range | Default |
LdE | text | 0 to 1000 or disabled | 1 |
* Only supported by HW: SCS Adv, SCS Adv No Display
Light State parameters when motion is detected
These are the illumination levels for each channel when motion is detected, as a percentage of full illumination. If disabled, then light level is unaffected by opening the door.
Light levels of between 0% and 100% are only available if the Channel is assigned to an LED output. If assigned to a digital output, then any level other than 0% will result in 100% light level.
Light State Activity - Channel A
Digital display | Increments & units | Range | Default |
LoA | 1% | 0 to 100 or disabled | disabled |
Light State Activity - Channel B
Digital display | Increments & units | Range | Default |
Lob | 1% | 0 to 100 or disabled | disabled |
Light State Activity - Channel C
Digital display | Increments & units | Range | Default |
LoC | 1% | 0 to 100 or disabled | disabled |
Light State Activity - Channel D*
Digital display | Increments & units | Range | Default |
Lod | 1% | 0 to 100 or disabled | disabled |
* Only supported by HW: SCS Adv, SCS Adv No Display.