Firmware release notifications
The most recent general release notifications for AoFrio firmware.
AoFrio sends out release notifications to customers when a new firmware version is released.
To make sure you receive these release updates, please add to your email whitelist. Check your email provider's settings for instructions.
FW Version 4024
21 Feb 2024
Previous Version - FW-4020
Upgrade action required: Manual update using Cradle, Field or Lab app
Upgrade importance: Low
Release notes
This new FW-4024 includes everything that was recently released with FW-4020, plus the support of three new key features:
- Energy Efficiency and Variable Speed Compressor (VSC)
This new VSC feature provides frequency based speed controls for supported Variable Speed Compressors. Sensor data is used by the SCS Controller to make precise adjustments to compressor speed, optimizing energy efficiency and performance based on varying operational requirements.- Direct PWM frequency control of the Compressor Inverter from SCS Controller port AD4
- Configuration of Minimum, Maximum and Stop Frequencies for the compressor
- Configuration allowing the accurate Energy measurement of systems with an installed VSC
- Extended Evaporator Fan controls to allow timed on/off cycles when variable speed fan control is enabled.
- More detail is available in the manual - Variable speed control - compressors (#WT9091_i4) (PDF)
- Alarms External Indication
This feature enhances the controller's ability to communicate to critical information and adds an extra layer of situational awareness to your system.- Alarms can be configured to be output visually/audibly by the connection of a light and/or a buzzer to the SCS, or through the cooler's internal LED lighting.
- A new Missing Tracking alarm to indicate when the SCS Controller has not connected to any of the AoFrio Track, Field or Lab apps for more than the defined time.
- More detail is available in the manual - Alarms external indications (#WT9838_i1) (PDF)
- Hot Cabinet Control
FW-4024 introduces a BETA release that offers basic support for using SCS as a controller in thermostatic heating applications.
App Support - Some of these new features are not yet supported by AoFrio apps. If you would like to try the features that do not yet have app support, please contact your AoFrio customer support representative.
FW Version 4020
15 Feb 2024
- Previous Version - Various
- Upgrade action required: Manual update using Cradle, Field or Lab app
- Upgrade importance: Medium - determined by customer
Release notes
This firmware release merges all previous versions of SCS Controller firmware into this one new FW-4020 version. It also implements changes to Controller parameters, including the introduction of a new parameter “Install Type” and other configuration options which are described in detail in the Release Summary:FW-4020 Firmware update document.
FW-4020 also introduces a new firmware file format which packages all of the firmware components required in a release together into a .zip file. In conjunction with new AoFrio app releases this new file packaging improves the firmware update process and simplifies all future AoFrio SCS controller firmware updates.
New features and improvements
- Single merged firmware package file that works on old and new version SCS Controllers
- Install Type parameter to switch between different operating logic, display different app visuals and adjust parameter visibility or write-ability
- Configurable display options during Defrost
- Improved temperature accuracy below -20 deg C
- Improved Defrost control logic and configuration
- Improved integration and functionality between the firmware and supporting AoFrio apps
Bug fixes
- General bug fixes and improvements
New versions of Cradle and Lab apps that support FW-4020 are now available. A Field app update that supports FW-4020 will be released soon.
To obtain access to FW-4020 please contact your AoFrio customer support representative and discuss the options available.
Note: This new FW-4020 firmware will come on new SCS Controllers manufactured by AoFrio starting from approximately April 2024.