A summary of the approvals for Gateway from the datasheet*.
This product complies with all relevant "conformité européenne" or CE ("European conformity") marking directives required for goods sold in the European Economic Area (EEA). | |
This product displays the FCC mark to indicate the electromagnetic radiation from the device is below the limits specified by the USA Federal Communications Commission and that AoFrio has followed requirements outlined in the Supplier's Declaration of Conformity authorization. | |
This product meets the criteria for the Norma Oficial Mexicana (Official Mexican Standard). | |
Regulatory Compliance Mark for Australia and New Zealand. This product meets the standards set out by the electrical regulator (Regulatory Authorities (RAs)) and Australian Communications Media Authority (ACMA). | |
This product meets the criteria set by US-based safety science company, UL enterprise (formerly Underwriters Laboratories Inc), to be "UL Recognized", ensuring the safety and efficiency of the equipment when in use. |
* Other approvals pending