Set up and install a Monitor

Detailing the process to activate the Monitor and mount it inside a cooler.

IMPORTANT: Installation of the AoFrio Monitor otherwise than in accordance with the installation process section of the manual will invalidate the warranty.

The Monitor must only be installed and configured by trained and authorized staff.

Before you start

If you have purchased a Monitor, or are running a trial, you will need the following before you begin:

Step 1 - Activate Monitor

The Monitor is battery powered which means it is shipped in a deactivated state to conserve battery life. It is activated by NFC, this powers on the Monitor and starts the datalogging and enables Bluetooth for data transmission.

To activate your Monitor, place your mobile device directly on top of it (as pictured below), until you see a message on the phone screen that says “CONNECTING <MONITORIDCODE>”.

NOTE: Monitor ID codes normally start with “B” and have about 9 digits. 


This should take no more than 5 seconds. If it takes longer, try slowly hovering your phone over the Monitor to align the NFC module on your phone with the NFC antenna inside the Monitor.

Step 2 - Set up ownership associations

Once you have activated the Monitor, you are ready to set up the ownership associations using Field app. This information ensures that only authorised connections can be made to the device, and data collection is only possible by the assigned organisation.

Step Details


Log into Field app. You will need the activation code supplied by AoFrio to do this.

Once you have logged in, Field app will look for nearby AoFrio devices. Wait until you can see a message stating "Connected to <MONITORIDCODE>".

If more than one device appears, select the Monitor ID that matches the code under the QR code on the Monitor.




Tap on the menu icon and select SCS SETUP.



Select the Manufacturer name from the available list.

Then select a cooler model, enter an asset # and a serial #. Click OK to confirm at each stage to progress.

NOTE – If you are setting up a trial product and there is no cooler list to choose from – you can add your own description for cooler model, as well as your own choice for asset # and serial #. Each field needs some information for the set up to complete.


Once you have updated the details you have completed installation and will see the configuration screen where you can begin making other adjustments.

Step 3 - Mount the device

  • After you have activated the device, we recommend that you install it in a cooler or freezer where its factory settings are designed to measure door openings and temperature changes in these asset types.
  • If the Monitor is stored for a period after activation in a place where there is minimal activity or temperature change – eg a desk or cupboard – it may shift back automatically into a lower power mode and then stop logging data to conserve battery power.
  • Cabinet location is also important for door movement detection. The side face of the AoFrio Monitor without a product label should be installed less than 70 mm (2¾”) from the point where the door seal touches the cabinet wall. This distance ensures accurate door movement detection. If the device is placed too far from the door, door opening counts may not be accurate.
  • Use the supplied tape to secure AoFrio Monitor parallel to the cabinet wall. (Optional) Use the supplied screws to make the Monitor more secure.

Find out more about Messages displayed on the Monitor's LED indicator and Standard operating modes for the Monitor.