Power handling and operating voltage for ECR motors

Explaining what voltage the ECR motor range can operate successfully with and how they handle power overloads.

Operating voltage
The operating voltage range for ECR motors is shown on the motor’s datasheet. ECR motors typically withstand (but are not guaranteed for) sustained voltages up to maximum operating voltage +10%. In the case of ECR2 motors when used in 115V markets, this gives an overhead of more than 150V. All ECR motors will withstand voltages as low as 0V – unlike induction motors, ECR motors cannot be damaged by undervoltage: they simply turn off when the voltage is too low.

Electronically Commutated (EC) motors are typically tested to withstand fast transients or spikes of up to 500V which is part of commercial EMC standard requirements. AoFrio’s ECR motors can withstand fast transients of up to 4000V, four times the commercial standard and also twice the required industrial standard.

Our ECR2 series motors are also dual voltage compatible, and accept any voltage from 70-264V*, 50-60Hz, 1ph, under a single P/N.

Handling overloads
Some motors are known to either burn out or take themselves offline to avoid damage. AoFrio’s ECR2 motor has a unique foldback capability that automatically reduces its speed to maintain airflow without going offline. This enables the ECR2 to operate longer while overloaded, without causing permanent damage to the motor.

While we always recommend proper system maintenance and promptly addressing overload conditions, this capability keeps the cooling system online longer, preserving product quality and profitability.

*ECR2 26W is 85V-