Wellington ECR 2 13W specifications

Key specifications from the Wellington ECR 2 13W motor datasheet.

Here are key specifications for the ECR 2 13W from the datasheet.

Nominal voltage range 100-240V, 50-60Hz 
Output power range 0-13W
Speed range 300-1800 RPM
Max. efficiency 70%
Max. input current 0.10A (@230V), 0.20A (@115V)
Power factor Up to 0.95 depending on load and voltage
EMC protection 4000V (per EN61000-6-2)
Noise SWL 37 dBA @ 1300 RPM (per ISO1680)
Insulation class Class A (105°C)
Thermal protection Electronic Protection. Locked rotor and automatic thermal
Refrigerant compatibility HFC, CO2 and hydrocarbon (per IEC 60335-2-89 Annex BB)
ATEX (EX) IEC 60079-7 Group 2, Category 3G
IP rating IP67
Operating temp. range -30°C to +50°C (-22°F to +122°F)
Storage temp. range -40°C to +80°C (-40°F to +176°F)
Weight (max) 0.54kg (1.2lb)
