Add a cooler with an SCS Controller to your list on the Field app
How to add a cooler to the list on the Field app on your mobile device.
Before starting
- Turn on location tracking - It is best if your mobile device is connected online while updating your GPS as this is how the Google Maps lookup works. If you prefer to stay offline, just type in the address, and wait for the map screen to turn Green to indicate a GPS lock.
- Check the SCS Controller has been configured - Before you can add a connection to a SCS controller inside a cooler from Field app, the controller must be configured (normally at the installation stage) and you must have the appropriate permissions supplied by your User Manager.
Add a cooler to the Field app
- Open the Field app menu and click SCS SETUP. You will see a message “Manufacturer needs to be set first. Please load the Manufacturer parameter file.” Click OK.
- Select the SERVER option then choose a parameter file to download from the dropdown list. Click DOWNLOAD.
- Select the LOCAL option then select the parameter file you have just downloaded. Click SELECT to accept and then click OK to confirm.
- To set the COOLER OWNER:
- Click EDIT in the matching field.
- Select the cooler owner from the dropdown list.
- Click SAVE to confirm and click OK to accept.
- To add an ASSET NUMBER either:
- Add the number manually, or click SCAN BARCODE to scan it using the phone’s camera.
- Click SAVE to confirm and click OK to accept.
- To set a COOLER MODEL:
- Click EDIT in the matching field.
- Select a model from the drop-down list.
- Click SAVE to confirm and click OK to accept.
- (Optional) To add the Manufacturer Serial Number:
- Click EDIT and add the number manually or click SCAN BARCODE to scan it using the phone’s camera.
- Click SAVE to confirm and click OK to accept.
- To add an installation address:
- If GPS is turned on, the phone will automatically locate your current position (blue marker) or if your GPS is turned off, type the outlet address in the INSTALL ADDRESS text box and select SHOW ON MAP.
- If the Google address is still not correct, enter the address manually in the text box then drag the yellow marker around the map screen to position the cooler’s exact location. Double tap the map screen to fix the cooler’s exact location with a yellow marker. It is not necessary to select SAVE at this point.
- To add the outlet, click on the OUTLET/ UNIT tab then enter information for:
- (Optional) UNIT e.g., 2nd floor, unit 3
Click SAVE and OK to confirm. You have now successfully completed adding the INSTALL ADDRESS.
To add additional data such as the customer ID, click ADDITIONAL DATA.
- Enter CUSTOMER ID manually or click SCAN to scan the barcode number using the phone’s camera.
- (Optional) Enter the SALES ROUTE and TECH ROUTE.
- Click in the field below ORG UNIT and select your organisation position from the dropdown list. Then click SAVE.To add a photo of the cooler in location:
- Click PHOTO & NOTES then enter any other information relevant to the photo in the text box.
- Click the COOLER radio button to upload a cooler photo or click the STORE radio button to upload a store photo.
- Click SELECT PHOTO to upload the photo from your phone gallery and click SAVE to confirm. You can add notes without a photo, or a photo without notes but you can only add one photo at a time. To add extra photos, select PHOTO & NOTES again and repeat the steps above.
Review your information. A green tick beside each field indicates all the fields are set and installation is complete. The manufacturer’s serial number doesn’t get a green tick because the system regards this as optional.
Once you are happy with the information you have entered, open the menu and click DISCONNECT to complete the process.
Note: It is important to complete the disconnect step to ensure that all asset data is properly stored in the SCS Controller.