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Configure Network Pro ONE using Field app

Pair a Network Pro ONE with an SCS Controller already set up inside a bottle cooler using AoFrio's Field app.

WARNING: Power should not be applied to the Network Pro ONE until step #5

1. Select the SCS Controller to connect to from the list of visible devices. (This list is filtered by your activation permission, so devices you are not authorized to connect to will not display.) Then select CONNECT to connect to the SCS Controller inside the cooler.


2. Open the main menu then select SCS SETUP.


3. Click EDIT in the relevant row to add details for the ASSET


  • NOTE: Leaving the ASSET # field empty means the device will not be tracked

4. Click EDIT in the row for Network Pro ONE serial #. Either:

  • Type in the Network Pro ONE serial number, OR
  • Scan the QR code by clicking SCAN BARCODE.

Click SAVE to complete the configuration.


5. If this process is successful, you are ready to power up the Network Pro ONE. If it is already plugged in, unplug for at least 2 minutes, then plug again for it to download the latest configuration from the Cloud.

Apply power to the Network Pro ONE if you need to verify that the system is working.

If this process fails, refer to the section Configuration Troubleshooting below.

Configuration troubleshooting

Error message Cause Possible solution
Assign controller to Network Pro failed. The mobile device being used to do the configuration requires an internet connection. Check if the internet connection for your mobile device is active.
This feature is only available for controllers running 4020 or higher firmware version. Please first upgrade this controller. The firmware version is not set up to run this function. Update the SCS Controller firmware and try again.
Assignment failed. This Network Pro has the incorrect SKU for this operation. The Network Pro you are trying to associate is not a Network Pro ONE and can't be used in a 1-1 association. Make sure the device is a Network Pro ONE model. Normally this is easiest by checking the outside label of the device.
Assignment failed. This Network Pro belongs to a different owner than the cooler. Do you still want to assign NETWORK PRO ONE XXXXX to this controller? The Network Pro ONE you are trying to associate has already been claimed to another bottler, CDE company or other brand. Click OK to proceed and override the association.
Network Pro XXXXXX already has another controller assigned to it. Do you still want to assign XXXX to this controller? The Network Pro ONE appears to be tracking an SCS Controller already. Click OK to proceed and override the association.
This action will re-assign tracking of this cooler to a different Network Pro. Do you wish to continue? The SCS Controller appears to be tracked by another Network Pro ONE. Click OK to proceed and override the association.