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  3. SCS Controller - Faults and Alarms

Fault logic for cooler doors

The SCS Controller has a selection of fault settings for different scenarios. This is how they work when the cooler door is opened and closed.

Normal operation

1. In its normal state, the cooler is operating, and the door is closed.

The SCS Controller will display the current internal temperature of the cooler and the “dot” (timer) status of the door is set to 0.

2. When a customer opens the door to remove a cold drink and the SCS controller face plate changes to display “dor” with the red alarm symbol (pictured below). Inside the cooler, the SCS Controller turns off the compressor. The SCS Controller will also check to see if the door open delay “drd” timer is less than the “dot” timer status.

SCS Faceplate with alarm highlightedThe alarm symbol appears on the SCS Controller faceplate as a red bell icon

3. In most situations where a customer has removed a cold drink from inside the cabinet, it is expected that they will close the door again or that the spring in the door hinge will close the door automatically. 

  • If the door closes successfully, then the display on the SCS Controller faceplate will display the internal cooler temperature again and remove the red alarm symbol. The SCS Controller will also re-enable the compressor. 
  • If the door has not been successfully closed and remains open, even just a little, the SCS Controller will check to see if the “dot” (timer) status is greater than the door fail delay “dfd” timer status. It will change the display to the current internal temperature of the cooler again and re-enable the compressor BUT the red alarm symbol will remain displayed for the instore staff to see so they can close the door. See a diagram here

You can check at any time to see if the door is correctly closed by connecting Field app to the SCS Controller to check the status.

Excessive door openings 
In certain situations, a cooler door may be opened more often than is considered normal. This might be for restocking or due to unusual customer behaviour that you would like to monitor. The SCS Controller fault logic can be set up to capture this. See a diagram here