IoT ecosystem overview

What is IoT and what does an IoT ecosystem offer to my business?

IoT (Internet of Things) can be defined as "a collective network of connected devices and the technology that facilitates communication between devices and the Cloud, as well as between the devices themselves."1 

AoFrio's IoT ecosystem is a mix of hardware and software that enables asset managers to gather a great information about their equipment in the field so they can make more timely, data-led decisions about business needs including:
  • Environmental and energy control
  • Servicing insights and planning
  • Remote and in-field diagnostics of asset fleets
  • Commercial performance based on asset use and sales data 
  • Management of perishable goods stored inside assets
  • Asset lifecycle, retrofitting and replacement
  • Customised set-ups to automatically adjust settings for temperature and lighting 
  • Monitoring alerts and performance thresholds to initiate action

An IoT ecosystem also enables asset-to-asset communication for automated or "touchless" settings adjustments between hardware. For example, the SCS Controller can be set up to automatically turn on the asset lights and fan based on door openings being monitored by the AoFrio Monitor.

1 "What is the Internet of Things (IoT)?" from

ecosystem image