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Troubleshooting connection issues for the Network Pro ONE

Use Field app to verify that the Network Pro ONE is working and that the 1-to-1 association with an SCS Controller has been properly configured.

Before starting

  • Activate the Network Pro ONE as part of the installation process - The Network Pro ONE will not start advertising or communicating over Bluetooth until it is activated. We recommend that you always configure the Network Pro ONE first and then plug it in while working on the mounting process to reduce this wait time. Find out more about Network Pro activation options in the installation manuals.
  • Set up Field app - Download Field app onto your mobile device

Connect to a nearby Network Pro ONE to start troubleshooting

Step Details


To verify the Network Pro ONE with Field app, open Field app and either:

  • Scan the QR code on the Network Pro ONE with your mobile device camera 
  • Select the Network Pro ONE from the list of available devices displayed on the Field app homepage and click CONNECT.


Click REFRESH button to retrieve the latest data from the AoFrio Cloud then read through the CHECKLIST screen to verify each function is operating as expected.


  • a dark green check mark shows the function is operating as expected.


  • a yellow check mark highlights a potential problem.


  • a red cross shows that the function is not working, and installation is incomplete.

If all items are marked with a dark green check mark, then the device is fully operational. For assistance with functions marked with a yellow check mark or a red cross refer to the section on Verification troubleshooting below.




To check cellular connectivity, click NETWORK PRO DETAILS and review the signal strength and the connection between AoFrio’s Cloud and the Network Pro ONE.



Verification troubleshooting

Icon Problem observed Possible cause Possible solution
- Can’t see Network Pro ONE serial number in the list of devices in the Field app.
  • User role may not have access to the Network Pro ONE feature.
  • Network Pro ONE hasn’t been activated and therefore is not advertising over Bluetooth yet.
  1. First, make sure the Network Pro ONE is powered. Refer to the section on LEDs in the New Build Installation Manual if required.
  2. The Network Pro ONE can take several minutes to activate. Please wait and try again.
  3. If neither of these options work, contact AoFrio Technical Support and request Network Pro ONE access in the Field app.


Red cross next to Mobile Network The cellular account has not been activated. This may mean the mobile provider is not available in the area.
  1. See Troubleshooting with LEDs in the New Build Installation Manual to check the cellular network status.
  2. Contact AoFrio support.


Yellow check mark next to Mobile Network Network Pro ONE is in a location with poor cellular coverage
  1. Move the Network Pro ONE to another location where it has a stronger signal reception
red_cross Red cross next to Cloud connection Network Pro ONE has not been able to connect with the AoFrio Cloud. It needs a connection to the mobile network. Check that the ‘Mobile network’ test shows a green check mark:  green_checkmark
  1. Wait for a few seconds and click REFRESH.
red_cross Red cross next to Cooler Tracking If you see the message “Network Pro ONE has not been configured to connect to any cooler” this means that the pairing process has not completed.
  1. You may need to wait for this to update (*AoFrio is developing a solution to make this faster). Click REFRESH and if the problem persists, try to configure the association again.
red_cross Red cross next to Cooler Tracking If you see the message “Network Pro ONE is not connected to any cooler. Network Pro ONE is assigned to track cooler XXXXX” this means that 
Bluetooth communications with the paired controller is not possible.
  1. Check that the SCS controller is powered.
  2. Move the Network Pro ONE to another location where it is closer to the SCS 
    controller you want to pair it with.
  3. Wait for a few minutes and click REFRESH.
red_cross Red cross next to Cooler Data Upload No cooler data has successfully been uploaded to the Cloud. Wait for a few minutes and click REFRESH.