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Troubleshooting connection issues for the SCS Controller

Instructions for fixing connection and GPS location issues for the SCS controller.

If you find connection issues during setup of your SCS controller or after installation, try the following steps based on different scenarios:


Actions (Check at each step if the issue has been resolved)

You cannot see or connect to the controller from the AoFrio Field app.

1.       Check Bluetooth is enabled on your phone

2.       Check that you are connected to the correct company.

3.       Power cycle (turn off and turn on again) your phone.

4.       Power cycle the cooler cabinet.

Your phone doesn’t detect the current location.

  1. Check GPS is enabled on your phone.
  2. Check there isn’t a physical barrier that may be blocking your GPS signal.
  3. Use the alternative method to tag the GPS location.

Your phone is connecting to the wrong SCS controller.

  1. Check the signal strength shown beside each cooler ID in your Field app. The closest cooler usually has the strongest signal with the least negative (-ve) number.
  2. Visually confirm which SCS controller you are currently connected to. It will display a blinking light in the top right corner of the keypad.
  3. Try cycling lights or checking temperature values in that cooler to confirm you are connected. Disconnect and try moving closer to the cooler you want to connect to.

The SCS controller seems to miss data on a regular basis.

Check that the cooler is not being switched off - for example, overnight to save power or due to unplanned power supply interruptions. The SCS needs to be plugged-in to power to collect, record, and share information stored in its memory.

For situations where constant disconnections are expected, we recommend using the Monitor which has its own internal battery to collect data even when the equipment is turned off. The Network Pro is also equipped with a backup battery that enables tracking of its location even when unplugged.

The SCS controller seems to have forgotten its configuration or parameter settings.

Unfortunately, it is possible for power spikes or excessive voltage fluctuations to mix-up or wipe previously loaded settings in an SCS controller. To restore lost configuration for firmware, settings, or ID data try uploading the file again using the AoFrio Field app.

The SCS controller seems to be locked or is unresponsive.

  1. Reset the Controller by power cycling the cooler cabinet.
  2. We also recommend that you update the firmware and upload the parameter file from your Field app.